Broken Windows

Posted on Oct 28 2016 - 10:12am by Rebekah Schrepfer
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Broken Windows

Rebekah’s Review


Now THIS is Christian fiction.  Deb Brammer had me at the first chapter, and I’m not just saying that. I don’t read a whole lot of fiction these days, but I’ve loved Deb’s articles and helps for small church ministry on her blog,  Her books are an extension of her widespread and faithful ministry.  “Broken Windows” is recognizable  to me.   These are the situations and conversations that I am familiar with.  These are the people that I know and love in churches and Christian homes and colleges all over the nation. Deb weaves through her stories an uncanny way to my own issues I’ve dealt with either in the past or right now. 

You’ll have to look elsewhere if you are looking for the typical Christian romance or mystery (which really could have been written by an unbeliever).  Her characters include the struggling missionary family whose supporting churches are dropping their support because they don’t see enough “results”, the  MK who doesn’t want anything to do with the ministry, the twenty-something single girl who is a bit pushy and annoying yet on fire for the Lord but can’t find God’s will for her life, the lukewarm Christian, the Christan families and church members who help or hinder along the way, and if course, the mysterious bad guy. 

The surprise comes in finding out which character does the most for the cause of Christ.  Read it!  Then read the second book, “Deja Who?” with me.