Uniting Families but Dividing Churches

Posted on Mar 28 2013 - 10:17am by Rebekah Schrepfer
Faith Pulpit Article

Faith Pulpit Article

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article which was recommended to me by my husband who attended Faith Pulpit Days at Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary.  I so enjoyed Dr. Doug Brown’s evaluation of the Family Integrated Church Movement which is becoming popular in many conservative fundamental Baptist churches.  I have witnessed some of these FICM values played out in churches that I know, and most often with a divisive outcome; division in good Bible-believing churches, and divisions in good families.  I did not know that there was an organized movement which propagates these principles.  I simply thought that it was a trend to forsake the leadership of the pastors.  After all, we all have a tendency to buck against our authority figures and justifying it with seemingly good reasons (i.e. that family is everything).  Dr. Brown gives an excellent overview of the tenets of the Family Integrated Church Movement, which is very helpful.  While he acknowledges the obvious positive elements of the movement, he is exactly right in his criticism of the FICM.  I also appreciate the “Theology of the Family” at the end of the article.

Aletheia Baptist Ministries

Aletheia Baptist Ministries

Also helpful in evaluating the FICM is this review of the book, “A Weed in the Church” by Scott Brown which is a definition and defense of FICM.  Dr. Shrader’s evaluation of this book is much appreciated and helpful when reading similar sources.

It is worth it for us ladies of conservative Christian homes to think about this issue thoroughly.  Is family really everything to you?  Is it a problem for you and your family to submit to the pastoral authorities in your church?   Do our kids really need to be with us all the time?  Is there ever a time when it is appropriate for our children to be taught by someone outside our own home?   Very interesting topic, but very crucial that we think it through biblically.

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