Author: Rebekah Schrepfer
Encouragement for Busy Moms
This verse is often an encouragement to me! With four little kids running around. Cleaning the house is like shoveling snow while it’s still snowing! But I’m thankful for the mess, because it means things are happening in our home. Children are growing and learning. Friends are welcomed. Ministry is happening. Be…
He’s Been Faithful
During this Easter season, we are reminded of how faithful God is and how fickle we are. From the beginning of time, God has always been ready to help his fallen creation. He was even gracious and loving in giving us a free will. He did not want mindless minions, but rather He wanted to…
Frozen Broccoli Cheese Soup
That is … Broccoli Cheese Soup made from frozen broccoli. No, I don’t make my family eat frozen soup. Of course, you could make this recipe using fresh broccoli, but that’s usually not practical for me. I’m here at the end of the month, and I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet. I love to have…