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During this Easter season, we are reminded of how faithful God is and how fickle we are.  From the beginning of time, God has always been ready to help his fallen creation.  He was even gracious and loving in giving us a free will.  He did not want mindless minions, but rather He wanted to fellowship with those who have freely chosen to fellowship with Him.  His heart must have been breaking when Adam sinned, and we sinned in Adam.  But God was there ready to forgive, and ready to make a way back to Him.  His...

It’s almost the end of March, and many have just finished reading Deuteronomy…finally.  We’d rather have been reading Joshua and  some historical narrative again.  Ah yes, the dreaded law books.  How in the world do we read this very long, detailed account of the Law of Moses with joy and grace?  After all, we are people who love God and love His Word.  We love all  of God’s Word.  But how does one read those...

1 Corinthians 13 Isn’t it true that nothing in this life is complete except God and His Word?  Our world was created and pronounced “very good” in the beginning (Gen. 1:31).  Unfortunately, that was not how it remained.  Mankind rebelled against God’s law, and now we live in a fallen, imperfect world.  The good news is that God provided a way for us to come back to Him, and one day He will create a new heaven and a new earth.  But...

“OK, kids.  Time for breakfast.” “Eat your eggs and then change your clothes so you’re ready for school.”   “You need eggs because it’s brain food.”   “It tastes yummy, not yucky.” “You liked them yesterday.  Why don’t you like them today?” “Yes, Sara, eggs come from chickens.”   “No, the whites are all mixed in with the yolk now, so you don’t have to...

So much to do and so little time.  How am I going to get everything done when I’m worn out at the beginning of my day?  I can often relate to Martha who threw up her hands in exasperation at the Lord and said, “Dost thou not care?”  I’m exhausting myself trying to be all I can be in the Lord’s army, so to speak.   I can hear the voices of many shaking their heads and saying,”Don’t do it in your own strength.  Be...

[Jesus] went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,  And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,  And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance (Luke 8:1-3).  [As Jesus was being led to Gologotha] there followed him...

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