Tag: Devotions
Join Me on Substack!
Come follow me over on MostlySensible.substack.com. I will be migrating my articles and devotional posts, and book reviews over there. That platform will make it a bit easier for me to send you my writings directly to your email, or you can find me there as you are browsing through your other substack authors. CLICK…
Printable Chronological Bible Reading
Reading through the whole Bible ought to be a basic discipline for every Christian. This is the Book we love. It is our basis for life and godliness. How can we live in the way God wants if we don’t read it? This year, I chose the chronological schedule, and loved it! Years ago I…
Be Still
One of my favorite verses of the Psalms. The Psalmist reminds us that it is alright to stop our overloaded schedules and take time to meditate on God’s Word. Indeed, it is necessary! In Christianity, meditation is not disengaging the mind, but rather focusing the mind on God’s character and what He has told us.…
He’s Been Faithful
During this Easter season, we are reminded of how faithful God is and how fickle we are. From the beginning of time, God has always been ready to help his fallen creation. He was even gracious and loving in giving us a free will. He did not want mindless minions, but rather He wanted to…