Mother’s Day Gifts

Posted on Apr 2 2015 - 11:13am by Ann Shrader

On Mother’s Day, our church traditionally gives each Mother a small gift of appreciation.  Some gift from past years were floral ideas: a mum for Mom, single rose or carnation for Mom, etc. A favorite gift idea involves chocolate.  You can’t go wrong with chocolate!!  Last year we made paper purses and filled them with a variety of chocolate bars.  It was fun to look through our stash of buttons for the perfect one to glue on these purses.  Attached are pictures and my template for these Mother’s Day purses.

Mothers Day chocolate-bar-filled paper purses Mothers Day chocolate-bar-filled paper purses1 Purse Template Pic

I don’t have pictures of our Father’s Day version of this.   But…here is the Pinterest link for that one.  I didn’t change anything on this idea.  Very easy!


Ann S Signature Card


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